to the IMHFC website, Mark's fully sanctioned fan club.
Here you will find accurate information on Mark's projects, and con or personal appearances he is doing. The Credits section contains one of the most complete listings of Mark's extensive work. Many of the projects listed include images and soundbyte accompanying the synopsis, and work is ongoing to add more to ones that do not.
Members of the IMHFC, with their dues, help pay the hosting fees of this site, keeping it completely free of banners and advertising. They have access to the members-only area (FC Members), four consecutive issues of the fan club newsletter, and special mailings as appropriate.
We hope you enjoy your visit here.
A WORD OF CAUTION to all of Mark's fans. While the passage of California AB1570 has helped crack down on the sheer number of fake autographs, some including fake COA's, there are still far too many forged ones for sale on eBay, various websites, and the like. Currently, Official Pix is the only place to purchase authentic Mark Hamill autographs. Please be very careful if you are considering buying one through a party other than Official Pix or at one of Mark's con autograph sessions.
Please be aware that due to work and other time constraints, Mark is no longer signing autographs.
Star Wars VIII:The Last Jedi
Message from Mark
Mark enjoys keeping in touch with his fans, and sometimes has a note for them.
Mark has established a scholarship at his alma mater, LACC- Los Angeles City College! Named the Marilou and Mark Hamill Family Scholarship, it is open for LACC art students with a minimum 3.0 GPA. Those applying would need to submit an essay as well.
Mark has established a scholarship through Town and Gown of USC, also named the Marilou and Mark Hamill Family Scholarship. Requirements include being full-time arts students, with a minimum 3.0 GPA.
Mark has established a third scholarship, this one for the Annenberg School of Communication and Journalism at USC. Requirements for this scholarship include the applicant needs to be going for their Masters in Communication Management degree.
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