


Interview on KPLA Radio interview with Mark and Harrsison Ford before 'Star Wars' was released; callers with some interesting questions and much more interesting answers.
Star Wars on NPR

Scripted by Brian Daley, this expanded version of Star Wars was recorded in Los Angeles, California, at Westlake Audio over 10 days in June of 1980. First aired in the Spring of 1981, it became the most successful NPR drama ever.

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The Empire Strikes Back on NPR

10 Episodes
Scripted by Brian Daley, this expanded version of The Empire Strikes Back was recorded in June of 1982 over 10 days in a recording studio in New York City. Because Frank Oz, the voice of Yoda, was unavailable, Mark, who does a terrific Yoda, almost got the chance to play both the role of Luke and the wise Jedi master.

[episode guide]

Radio K-Earth Program "Transition" on K-Earth 101 Los Angeles, California. This Interview was done in Mark’s dressing room of the Shubert Theater in Los Angeles. Discusses "Amadeus" and the last part of the Star Wars Trilogy, then titled "Revenge of the Jedi".
Will the Lights Go Out on Broadway? A program discussing the theatre and its financial status. Given soaring production costs and high ticket prices the previous year was one of few shows making a profit. "Harrigan & Hart" was the most expensive musical to be put on that year, costing two million dollars and closing very quickly. Mark was interviewed about his feelings about the play and the effect the poor reviews had on the audience. This interview was done on February 4, 1985 for the Morning Edition of National Public Radio, and was aired in its entirety. Only a part of the discussion was shown on the television program.
WNEW 102 FM Interview for a New York City rock and roll station
Star Sounds Cinema UK only
Interview with Mark about the shooting of 'Slipstream'
Gloria Hunniford UK only
Interview with Mark about 'Slipstream', 'Amadeus' and 'Star Wars'